Mohammad Suleman Baig: Bajrang (T-44) roamed the lush jungles of Tadoba, holding the entire Moharli range under his control. With his unique charm and strength, he claimed the hearts of many wanderers and dominated the entire Moharli tiger series.
Bajrang (T-44), a male tiger, arrived in Moharli in 2014 and departed from Moharli in 2021. Being the largest in the territory among all tigers in Tadoba, Bajrang (T-44) resided in his domain for about 10 years, ranging from Kolara buffer of Tadoba to Junona buffer. Typically, a tiger stays in its territory for 4 to 5 years, and a tiger’s territory usually has 1 to 3 female tigers. However, Bajrang (T-44) had 6 to 7 female tigers in his territory. Over the years spent in Tadoba, he mated with at least 6 to 7 different females, resulting in more than 25 offspring.
For more than two and a half years, Bajrang searched for a new home in the jungles of Tadoba, but all his efforts were in vain. After a long reign in his kingdom, Bajrang (T-44) succumbed to the outcome of a regional battle.