Ivorian Trade


Chandrapur (Shweta Rai) :
India is a country where not only living of people are concerned.But many other act and initiative for protection of wildlife initiatives have also be taken. The initiatives includes Project Tiger, Project Elephant, Crocodile conservation Project and UNDP Sea Turtlile Project.
There is increase in the species of animal wildlife in India. In India the elephant count is more than 29 thousand. The Rapid expansion often lead to ecological balance in nature.

In Kuno Palpar wildlife Sanctuary of Madhya Pradesh proper steps has been taken for relocation of cheetahs from the Namibia  to India. Namibia want Ivory in place of Cheetah in 30-40 numbers.

As per United Nation convention trade of body part as banned but Namibia and few other countries want comention on International Trade in Endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES). The meeting of CITES is going to be held in Lyon, France Namibia want India a signatory to CITES, in this regards.
According to India officials the condition to support Namibia for “sustainable utilisation of wildlife” is part of the draft memorandum and understanding Namibia official have share with a few member delegation from India that to 22.
The Indian delegation included officials and experts from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change, Madhya Pradesh Government and wildlife Institute of India (WII).

However Government of India has changed memorandum of understanding and send it to  Namibia and honge Namibia to agree such terms and conditions. As India is country where wildlife has been protected.


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