The Mother OF Pench and very famous Tigeress of Pench Tiger Reserve situated at the border of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra,T15 who is also known as COLLARWALI AND MATRAM.The COLLARWALI Tigeress or T15 has born in the year 2005 from the mother T7.
T15 or COLLARWALI gave birth to the first three little cub on 25 May2008 but no-one survived .Later on 2019 she gave birth to 3 more Cub and therefore she also known as the MOTHER OF COLLARWALI.At present she gave birth to 27 little Cub and all are surviving and living in a very peaceful and safer environment.
Normal lifespan of all the Tiger and Tigeress is 8 to 10 years but COLLARWALI survived upto 17 years and hit the milestone and established the huge world record.
T15 died on 15 January 2022 Saturday as she turned to old to survive further.It was truley a heartbreaking news for all wildlife lover and tourist visiting their.She will always be missed in Pench Tiger Reserve.
Shweta Arvind Rai