Tigress found dead in Mul Range of TATR Buffer 


A tigress was under observation since June 2, 2021 in Compartment No. 327 of Doni-1 beat of Mul (Buffer) range of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, as she was unable to move comfortably. She was first observed to be stationary in a thicket by forest guard Doni-1 beat around 2 pm on June 2, 2021.

On June 3, 2021, a team of veterinarian and Rapid Response Unit of Chandrapur, was attacked by the tigress while approaching her for closer observation. Since then, forest staff was monitoring the tigress in the area.

On June 5, 2021, at 10 am, a team of field staff found the tigress dead. Senior officers and representatives of NTCA and honorary wildlife warden visited the spot immediately and the body was brought to Transit Treatment Centre for post-mortem examination. The post mortem examination was conducted by team of veterinarians between 3 pm to 4.30 pm.
Based on preliminary observations of the veterinarians, the cause of death is due to hypovolemic shock resulting from internal hemorrhage caused due to severe external injuries. All the body parts of the tigress were found to be intact.
The tigress was cremated in the presence of veterinarians, representative of NTCA and honorary wildlife warden, Chandrapur, Range Forest officer, Mul, Assistant conservator of Forest, Deputy Director (Buffer) and Field Director, Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve.


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